At Site Assessors Nationwide, LLC, we provide expert inspections across the US. Our team of experienced professionals offers a range of services, from property inspections to environmental assessments. Let us help you make the most informed decisions for your business needs.
North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Texas, MA and Ohio
Limited Environmental Services
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments are clearly the standard for environmental due diligence, however many lenders have come to rely on limited products as business decision tools. Our limited assessments are often used for low risk assets or cost-efficient transactions. Site Assessors Nationwide offers a wide variety of services that will help our clients achieve their goals and understand the potential environmental risk a property could have.
Environmental Transaction Screen
Environmental Transaction Screens (ETS) are the most widely accepted limited services and are typically done to meet the requirements of ASTM 1528-06 Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process.
This service includes:
Site Visit
Photographs of the subject property
Historical review of one map
Regulatory database review
Non-Scope Considerations
Findings and Identification of potential Environmental Concerns.
Environmental Historical Report
Environmental Historical Report accesses many of the same historical resources as a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and it provides information about the subject property, which can determine if a low-risk or a potential Environmental Concern.
Historical Review of maps
Regulatory database review
Findings and Identification of Potential Environmental Concerns.
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 17:00
1177 S Main St, Suite B4, North Canton, OH 447120
3400 Croasdaile Drive, Suite #304 Durham, NC 27705